How to change the screen resolution in CS:GO

The developers have provided several ways to change the screen resolution in the game. This is done on purpose. Since, due to incorrect settings, access to the settings may become impossible, as well as the launch of the game itself. In this case, in order to ensure the functioning of CS: GO, ways to change the resolution come to the rescue, which affect changing the config, the game’s internal files and setting certain launch parameters. In the end, this is how the player can quickly select the screen settings for a comfortable game in any mode.

Change permission through game settings

If you think about how to make a resolution of 1280 by 960 in KS: GO, then the simplest and most obvious way is in-game settings. The screen resolution in them can be changed as follows:

  1. Go to CS: GO.
  2. Go to Settings.
  1. Open the "Video Settings".
  2. In the "Resolution" field you need to set a comfortable value.

After saving the changes, the game will work with a new resolution.

How to change the resolution in the CS: GO through the launch options

So, how to set the resolution in the CS: GO through the launch options? In fact, everything is simple, if you know the necessary commands. You just need to do the following manipulations:

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Go to the library.
  3. Click RMB on CS: GO.
  4. Go to "Properties".
  5. Click on “Set launch parameters”.
  6. Write: -w 1440 -h 900. (The numbers can be any, depending on the monitor settings. Exact data on the supported resolutions can be found in the display settings).

    How to change the screen resolution in CS: GO
Thus, you can set the desired resolution without going into the game.

How to change the permission in the COP: GO through the console

Another interesting option to change the resolution is the console. First you need to enable the console in the COP: GO, we already wrote about this on our website. The following commands are used to change the permission:

  • vid_config_x 800 - horizontal;
  • vid_config_y 600 - vertical;
  • _vid_default_mode - default permission.
To apply the changes, you must restart the game, after which the new settings will be applied.

How to change the resolution in the COP: GO without entering the game

Sometimes, after changing the settings, the game may stop starting correctly. Black screens, interface distortions, various crashes with errors - these are some of the options that a player may encounter.

In this case, a cfg file is useful, in which all settings related to graphics and screen resolution are saved. So, to change the resolution, you will need:

  1. Open the game folder. (To do this, click RMB on the name of the game in the library, then click on “Properties”, then select “Local files” and click on “View local files” to get to the game directory.

  2. Go to the csgo folder , then to cfg .
  3. Open the video.txt file .
  4. Find "setting.defaultres 1234" and "setting.defaultresheight 123" . The numbers following these parameters indicate the resolution and can be changed.
  5. Change numbers to comfortable values.
  6. Close the file, saving the changes.
Since changing the resolution in the CS: GO without actually entering the game in two ways, it makes sense to consider an alternative way.

Which resolution is better for the COP: GO

Depending on the monitor used, its size and other parameters, the comfortable resolution may vary significantly. For example, for a 4: 3 format, 1280x960 is considered the most comfortable, but already in the case of 16: 9 the picture changes and about players prefer a resolution of 1600x900, but 1920x1080 is often found. You can choose a comfortable resolution only experimentally. However, the listed options are considered the most comfortable.

Player Permission

As examples, the permission of e-sportsmen in the COP: GO:

  • s1mple — 1280х960, 4:3;
  • ZywOo — 1280х960, 4:3;
  • dev1ce — 1280х960, 4:3;
  • apEX — 1024х768, 4:3;
  • electronic — 1280х960, 4:3;
  • Xyp9x — 1680х1050, 16:10;
  • AmaNEk - 1440: 1080, 4: 3;
  • syrsoN - 800x600, 4: 3;
  • WorldEdit — 1600х900, 16:9;
  • ropz — 1920х1080, 16:9.
The selection of the desired resolution also goes not only depending on the convenience of perception of the picture. A good player, in order to remain effective, will need to adjust the mouse sensitivity and other parameters purely for this resolution.